Walking In The Rhythms Of Grace
Turns out you can only get so far on your own merit and effort but unless you stay connected to THE ultimate source of power, grafted into the vine and taking strength from being rooted and grounded in Him, we can become overwhelmed, drained of energy and our joy can get depleted.
The Freedom of Faith
For me, this is the reality of true faith. A faith that is founded not in circumstances, or even on what we think is possible, but on the very nature of God. Mary did not fear the world’s consequences of what God was asking her to do, because she knew God and trusted in His nature.
Holding onto Faith in a Season of Waiting
Sometimes, when I’ve found myself getting impatient and upset, I remind myself that God is the one who put me here. My life is not my own. There is actually something happening while nothing is happening. God is using my waiting to change me and my understanding of faith.
There’s No Faith In Plan B
This is a catchphrase I began saying a long time ago. I love to make plans, and probably like most people, I’m glad when they actually go to plan. I’m sure a lot of us have experienced the opposite of this for the past 18 months, and have had to learn how to deal with plan B, C or even Z.
Living Generously; Is There Any Other Way To Live?
God loves people. Period. No “but..”, no “just if..”, no “except..” God loves people, unconditionally! And Jesus was the perfect representation of this lived out on earth. He entered a broken world, and showed us that there is a better way to live
The Father’s Love for London
What these people, like myself, needed was to meet a Father who is unconditional love. London can be lonely at the best of times, but if your heart is not feeling the unconditional love of the father, it can leave you without the security of family. The deepest and most secure fact you have in your life is that God, Our Father, loves you unconditionally.
To The Praise of His Glory
Repetition in scripture was a literary form used to emphasise a point, like putting it in bold caps. Paul is saying, “don’t miss this!” In a passage dripping in meaning and has been called the ‘ground zero for theology of identity’, Paul is making it clear. The answer to the age-old question of why we are here and what is the meaning of life, he answers - To the praise of His glory.
Jesus, My Rabbi
We believe He was fully God but He was also fully human, and it’s the human aspect that adds SO MUCH to the story of Christ we all “know” so well.
Not only was He human, but He was also a Rabbi. And while this may not mean much on the surface, the more I dived into this, the more colour and meaning His story had – an incredible example of a life lived through love.
Worship In My Life
For me, worship is about thinking about God in all circumstances, contemplating who Jesus is, thinking about what He said.
Memorising Bible verses, writing them down on notecards and carrying them with me, letting verses “steep” as Pastor Phil would say. “Getting them in me”. Listening to what God is trying to show to me, and to others. Looking for clues of what He is doing. Constantly trying to tune in.
Redefining Worship
Worship, I believe, is nothing more or less than the act of living for God, and because of that we are all capable of ‘worship’ and can be considered worshippers.
To worship our Father is to treat Him as Holy and submit our lives to Him, to take every breath in reverence of the Creator of our lungs, to see the world as our Creator deemed it to be.
Because of the Cross I Am...
For some, it is a symbol of freedom, change, a new life, a new beginning, community, opportunity and the list goes on for each person. To me, I see the Cross as a realisation of ability. The Cross is a symbol of sacrifice and from that sacrifice comes a second chance.
Spirit & Truth
As I started this new adventure away from home, and as time went by and the pandemic hit, I was faced with a lot of big decisions. Should I go back home and be with my parents? Should I stay and keep working hard to accomplish my dream?
Am I being selfish by staying in London? So many thoughts came into my head at the time, as I’m sure it did for so many other people.
Above All Else
I first encountered the reality of God in worship – the reality that changed everything! I can still remember being struck by how people could love a God that they couldn’t see and the tangible presence I felt. For me, worship in spirit and truth is simply loving and acknowledging God above all else.
You Are Essential
If you’re like me and struggle to separate what I do from who I am, you might find yourself starting to question whether you’re a Non-essential person. My gift isn’t important right now. I don’t feel like I have anything to contribute in this season. Nobody would notice if I wasn’t here. Am I Non-essential?
Around the Table
We long for the day we will enjoy time together around a table together as a body. It will be great, messy, noisy, in one spirit. Seeing others and being seen, loving and encouraging each other, finding a place to belong through the grace of God and just by being ourselves.
A Seat at the Table
For me, the table represents a place of belonging. We meet at the table to discuss big plans and celebrate. Life happens with others at the table, and what better table to centre around than in God's presence?
Looking from the outside in, how does one get a seat? In the world today it would be easy to assume that it would require a lot of effort. Many ladders to climb just to be seen worthy for such an exclusive spot. However, God has always been clear through His word that that isn't the case.
Fasting - What’s the point?
Before we answer that question, what is fasting? Fasting is a form of self-denial (in favour of devotion to God). It is a denial of normal pleasures. It usually takes the form of fasting food or certain types of food.
But it can by extension cover more than that. Whatever it is (whatever form it takes), it is giving up for a predetermined period what is normally necessary and pleasurable. Eating is both essential and wonderful, as are other things.
I Wonder
A few years ago, the Lord said to me that I could wonder about my life, but not worry. I don’t need to worry, neither do you (read the passage again). Wondering implies
possibility and faith and curiosity. So anytime I find worry creeping in, I stop for a minute, think about these verses and switch my mind to wondering, and instead ask the Lord questions.
Dear London. Part 3
When we say we believe in someone, we are often referring to having confidence in that person’s ability to do something great or be of great character. We see potential in a situation. We give weight behind our demonstration of love.
The bible is full of examples of God believing in His people. One that springs to mind is the story of Gideon (found in Judges 6). Gideon had somewhat of a self-esteem issue, but God continued to call courage out of him until he was ready to face the Midianites. God chose and believed in Gideon.
Dear London. Part 2
When we say we believe in someone, we are often referring to having confidence in that person’s ability to do something great or be of great character. We see potential in a situation. We give weight behind our demonstration of love.
The bible is full of examples of God believing in His people. One that springs to mind is the story of Gideon (found in Judges 6). Gideon had somewhat of a self-esteem issue, but God continued to call courage out of him until he was ready to face the Midianites. God chose and believed in Gideon.