Hi church! During the season of Lent this year we are going to be spending a 21 day period in prayer and fasting together. Our word for 2024 is ARISE. We believe that 2024 will be a year of breakthrough as we step out of the old and into the new. To help prepare our hearts and lives for what God wants to do, we will spending this season of Lent, in the lead up to Easter in 21 days of fasting and prayer. 

The 21 days will start as of Thursday morning March 7th and end Wednesday night, March 27th.

Duration: November 11 - November 15, 2024.

Morning Prayer: 700-730am Mon - Friday. Click HERE to join the Zoom call.


“I humbled my soul with fasting.” Psalm 35:13

Biblically, fasting is defined as eating sparingly or abstaining from food altogether, either from necessity or desire. .The Bible speaks of fasting as abstaining from food for a time in order to grow spiritually, glorify God, enhance our spirit, receive healing, and grow our prayer life. Fasting is not a way to get God to do what we want, fasting changes us, not God. Fasting is more about denying our natural appetites and raising our spiritual appetites - as we deny ourselves food we replace this with the exercise of prayer.

Fasting is putting down our desires and placing God first, praying for His will to come to pass in our lives as we hunger after His presence and guidance rather than our own. Fasting is not a way for us to somehow ‘control’ God by how we treat our body. The goal of fasting is an unlocking of greater intimacy with the heart of God, and welcoming a deeper connection with the Father; which by result can bring us into both personal and corporate breakthrough and renewal.

Isaiah 58:6-12 says that fasting loses the bonds of wickedness, undoes the heavy burdens, lets the oppressed go free, breaks every yoke and healing springs forth speedily. This is a powerful purpose.

Fasting isn't about what you lose but rather what you gain. It is a position of your heart being open and ready to receive what God has for you. It isn't about the denial of food and drink, and other riches - but about changing your the way you see and believing that God is enough for you. When you have the urge to eat, you can turn instead to the Word and go to God in prayer to find what you're looking for.



Remember, the goal of fasting is to draw near to God. This is not a diet. Biblical fasting has to do with eliminating distractions for a spiritual purpose. Where possible spend the time you would normally be eating instead spend it on your relationship with God. Intentionally make extra time to be with the Lord, reading the Bible, praying and communing with Him, worshipping Him, meditating on or journaling scriptures, yearning to know Him more and listening to the Holy Spirit.

If you’re able, 20-30 minutes per day would be a wonderful commitment. Sit with your bible and worship music or go for a walk. This could be 10-15mins at the start of the day and then 10-15 minutes at the end of the day.

We would love us all to commit time to attend our church wide morning prayer gathering over the fasting period. These occur every morning over Zoom 7:30am to 8am Monday to Friday. We will join and pray for specific topics each day.


The fast you choose should present you with a level of challenge. Please take your health and type of work into consideration. We do not expect anyone to fast for the whole 21 days, particularly if you are new to fasting. We recommend you pick a rhythm you can stick to and perhaps consider a few days of full fasting throughout the 21 days.

We recommend you join us for morning prayer on the day(s) you choose to fast (or all week if you can). Each morning of prayer will have a different prayer focus, so one way of planning your fasting may be to fast on the days where the prayer focus speaks to an area you feel strongly about.

Dinner Parties and Tables - If you’re able to attend a Dinner Party on Wednesday night March 13, you may wish to fast on Wednesday and break your fast together as a group on Wednesday night. The fast will officially end on Wednesday March 27th which is also a Dinner Party night. On this night we would encourage all locations to share in communion together.

Easter Weekend - Friday the 29th is Good Friday. On Friday night we will be hosting a night of worship and prayer, and again sharing in communion as a whole church community. Easter Sunday, March 31st, we are planning a wonderful, Resurrection Sunday celebration service. We will be putting out an invite to our local community to join us. A great Sunday to invite your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues.


  • Liquid Fast - Fast solid food, drinking juice, soup, smoothies etc.

  • Daniel Fast - as found in the book of Daniel 10:3 - where he “ate no choice food, no

    meat or wine touched my lips.” i.e. fast delicacies and stick to fresh fruit and vegetables. Give up sweets, meats and wine (or coffee!)

  • Full Fast – Fast food all together for a sustainable period. This might be for a full day(s)

    or you may fast during the day and eat at night committing to prayer in the morning, lunchtime and evening before you eat.

  • Benedict Fast - est. 525 AD by Saint Benedict, Monks would eat only one meal a day, often for years.

  • Between-Meals Fast - Fast all snacks and ‘after meal’ desserts. Have simple meals at mealtimes.

  • Sunup to sundown fast - fast during daylight hours, breaking your fast in the evening once the sun has gone down.

  • 24 hour fast - from 7:30pm to 7:30pm the following evening (fast from after dinner one evening till dinner next day).

  • 12 hour fast - from 7:30am to 7:30pm (fast from after breakfast one day till dinner) - good options for Wednesday, fast from morning prayer till Dinner Parties.

  • Soul Fast - as a general rule fasting is abstaining from food. However, if you have health issues or circumstances that present you from fasting, you might choose to fast another area of your life. e.g. social media and other forms of entertainment. Instead of watching Netflix before bed, spend time in the Bible and prayer. If you choose this fast we would encourage you to do it for as many days as possible.


  • Start small. As with anything, fasting requires practice to become better at it. Set yourself a challenging, but realistic goal.

  • Plan to fast. Pray and ask God for protection, strength, and wisdom during your fast. Look ahead, you may have to rearrange your schedule or change your grocery list.

  • Begin and end well. When fasting from food, the meal before and after the fasting period should be smaller and lighter than usual. End your fast very gradually.

  • Determine Your Duration. Choose the length of time or days that you will fast. You may fast an entire duration of days or weeks, or, choose a certain number of days per week to fast. You may also choose to fast one meal per day or fast every alternate day or perhaps fast all day but eat an evening meal.

  • Commit to it. Once you have chosen the type of fast and duration, commit. Make this a season of strengthening your commitment to God and putting Him first.


  • Fasting is entirely voluntary. Fasting from food is not to be taken lightly. Please consider any medical or health issues you may have before determining whether fasting is right for you. If you cannot fast from food, consider what else you may be able to fast from during this time.

  • If you are new to fasting food, please consult your pastor or leader, along with a healthcare professional, regarding the length of the fast and what foods you choose to abstain from.

  • If you have any doubts/questions, please talk to a healthcare professional.

  • Do not fast from water. Please continue to drink plenty of water throughout your fast to

    prevent dehydration.

  • Fasting from food is unwise if you are diabetic, hypoglycaemic, prone to migraines,

    pregnant, taking medication, or recovering from sickness.


    As you prepare for your fast, you may wish to check out these resources to find out more about Christian fasting and why we do it.

    Below are links to a great podcasts teaching series from John Mark Comer

  • To Starve the Flesh and Feed the Spirit: Fasting

  • To Pray: Fasting

    C3 London Blog Articles

  • Fasting - What’s the point? - Ps Simon McIntyre

    C3 Church Global Blog Articles

  • You call that fasting - Ps Simon McIntyre

  • Fasting Hacks - Ps Lorne Tebbutt

    If you have any questions or would like more guidance about fasting, please email