Who Do You See?
With Cam O'Halloran
With Easter fast approaching, this is the time of year when we are reminded of what Christ has done for us. The story of Jesus Christ rising from the grave is celebrated, with a lot of people who do not usually attend church, attend Easter Sunday and are exposed to the story of our salvation. With these points in mind, the question for all of us is do we really understand what has been given to us, and from there, how do we communicate/reflect this to others?
We know the bible tells us that Christ died, a perfect sacrifice to pay for our wrongdoings. From this, we are cleansed of our past, allowing us access to eternal life.
1 John 2:2 (TLB) - “He is the one who took God’s wrath against our sins upon himself and brought us into fellowship with God; and He is the forgiveness for our sins, and not only ours but all the world’s.”
For me, a large part of my faith is knowing this, but also contemplating our friends and our world and how we can relay this message. Growing up in a school with not many Christian friends, some of my biggest encounters with God have been times singing, praying and seeking God, then being flooded with pictures in my mind of my friends, my work colleagues and family members who do not know Christ. This has always left me with a different perspective from what I had before I went to seek God.
I'm saved. But what about them?
The truth is, it is easy to become consumed by our own problems, our own desires and what we see immediately in front of us. But what do we really value? Who do we really value?
This Easter, I encourage you. YOU ARE SAVED! God loves you. I also ask you, who is in your world that doesn’t know Christ? What can you do to convey His love?
Pray for them! Ask God to use you in their lives and to speak through your life with Him. People see God's love in you a lot more than you realise.
Invite them to a church service or hangout - you never know what people are really thinking, and for some people, they just need someone in their world to stand up and ask them to church. Some people need a blinding light, some people just need a friend for a revelation of God's love.
Open your lives up to people who aren't in your normal circle. Ask God to open up your eyes to those who may need your friendship. God will always see more than we can see by ourselves.